I realised I've never really done a proper introduction, so here's at least a little bio sans much personal information. I’ve been interested in history, and by consequence politics, for most of my life. I came across the field with many names, but what I’ll refer to as “deep politics”, in the past few years like a decent number of people I know. For an English-speaking audience, a lot has been put out about American-related intrigues, but a few years ago, I saw a Twitter post which in part implored people to "go local", which has been an idea that has subsequently stuck with me.
After some time away, I rejoined Twitter late last year, and have been a bit surprised at how (comparatively) popular some threads have been, so I've thought about doing a podcast in that vein. However, I don't feel quite ready to undertake a project like that, and want to remain as detached from the Content Creator Industrial Complex as possible, so this blog will be a mediation between that and something shorter-form. This will focus primarily on New Zealand or NZ-adjacent topics, with likely diversions into the Pacific, Australia and the US when necessary.
There's a piece you can read now about the new US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell and his "consulting firm" The Asia Group. I'll be publishing updated versions of some Twitter threads over the next few weeks, as well as a long-form piece about the 1987 Fiji coups, collating together a few months of research on the topic. I also have a piece or two that should be coming out once a certain person's (tim)e under name suppression expires. Until we meet again.
From the deep bowels of AFFCO - Smith K. Stead
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